Welcome to the website of the German civil-law

Welcome to the website of the German civil-law

notaries Dr. Küperkoch & Dr. Temme



As notaries we hold a public office and are bound to neutrality. Above all, we regard ourselves as competent service providers in matters of law. Our contractual arrangements therefore take both the legal and the economic contexts into account. Solutions should not only be legally elaborated, but also practicable and prevent conflicts. The quick and straightforward handling of simple but urgent matters (notarisations, land charges, affidavits etc.) is a matter of course for us.

Fields of law

We not only prepare and notarise contracts, but also provide legal advice, produce legal opinions, review draft contracts and mediate in conflict situations – in all aspects of notarial practice with recognised expertise in the areas listed here.

Notaries Dr. Küperkoch & Dr. Temme

service provider
in the field of law

We organise information and training events for our clients. We see ourselves as an innovative service provider in the field of law. A high level of commitment is second nature to us.

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